Conditionals & Used To -
1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel doğrularda )
2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek için olası durumlarda )
3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( Şu an ve gelecek için hayali durumlarda )
4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Geçmiş için hayali durumlarda )
1. if + simple present + simple present ( Genel doğrularda ):
a. if you don't water plants, they die ( bitkileri sulamazsan ölürler )
b. if Mike reads on the Train , he feels sick.
c. if you put paper on a fire , it burns quickly.
d. if the phone rings , answer it . ( talimat verildiğinde özne yok.)
2. if + simple present + simple future ( Gelecek için olası durumlarda )
a. if it doesn't rain soon , a lot of crops will die. ( Eğer yakında yağmur yağmazsa birçok mahsul ölecek )
b. if we don't leave now , we'll miss the train.
c. if you pass your exams , I will give you a job.
d. if you don't turn that music down , you will go deaf.
e. if we leave now , we may catch the train.
f. if you come to london again , you must call and see us. ( some modal verbs can be used instead of will)
3. if + simple past + would + infinitive ( Şu an ve gelecek için hayali durumlarda )
a. if I were a carpenter , I would build my own house ( Eğer bir marangoz olsaydım kendi evimi yapmak isterdim )
b. you would feel healtier , if you did more exercises.
c. if people didn't drive so fast , there wouldn't be so many fatal accidents.
d. if you went to africa , you would have to have several injections.
e. if I were you , I would't drive so fast.
4. if + past pperfect + would have + past participle ( Geçmiş için hayali durumlarda )
a. if bob had asked me to keep the news a secret , I wouldn't have told anybody.
( Eğer bob haberleri gizli tutmamı istemiş olsaydı kimseye söylemezdim.)
1. Used to + infinitive |
( Used to expresses a habit , activity , or situation that existed in the past but which no longer exists.) - used to ; geçmişte var olan fakat şu an olmayan alışkanlıklar,aktiviteler ve durumları vurgulamak için kullanılır.
1. My father used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day . ( babam günde 40 sigara içerdi )
2. Jack used to live in chichago.
3. Before I had a car , I used to cycle to work.
4. I didn't used to have foreign holidays . Now I go abroad every year.
5. Where did you use to go for your holidays
2. be used to + - ing ( alışkın olmak )) |
1. I must go to bed early. I'm used to having ten hours sleep a night. ( yatağa erken gitmeliyim ,gecede 10 saat uyumaya alışkınım.)
2. Mary is used to cold weather.
3. I am used to sitting at this desk, I sit here every day.
3. get used to + - ing ( alışmak ) |
1. If you come to england you will have to get used to driving on the left hand side of the road ( ingiltereye gelirsen yolun solundan sürmeye alışmak zorunda kalacaksın.)
2. Bob moved to alaska. After a while he got used to living in a cold climate.
3. You get used to seeing the sun every day.
4. I will never get used to getting up early.
WOULD + infinitive:
( would , geçmişte düzenli olarak tekrar eden bir eylemi vurgulamak için kullanılır.) used to ile aynı anla mı verir fakat used to nun her kullanıldığı durumda kullanılmaz.
used to : eylem + süreklilik arzeden durum
would : eylem
1. Every summer our parents would take us to the seaside.
2. He would catch the 7:30 train.
3. When I was a child , my father would read me a story at night before bed.
4. I used to live in California ( Would olmaz )
5. He used to have a ford ( Would olmaz )
6. I used to be very shy . Whenever a stranger came to our house , I would hide in a closed.
NOT: would'un olumsuzunu veya soru şeklini kullanma , başka anlam verir.