بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi

Dialog Two

AYes, good morning, once again me.
Always I speak and write dialog.
Please try to write a dialog.
BYes, Mr. You are right.
I eant to ask a question.
Off couse, Please ask
How is writing a dialog?
It's very easy, What did you learn before the lesson?
First off all, You must see them.
After, you have to choose some word or sentences from between them.
After that, you must sequence these sentences.
Finally, You have to invent new sentences
AOkey, I understand you. I hope I make it.
BYou know you must make a effort
Thank you my teacher, I will try it.
not at all  and you must repeat. The repeat is very important to learn
If you repeat you can learn easly.
AThanks a lot. This dialog was wonderfull. I understand everything.
BOkey, see you next time.