بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi

Dialog One

AHello, Mr. Oğuz 
How are you?
BThanks, I'm very well
AHow is your trip?
BIt's very positive
AI think you hadn't any problemm on your travel.
BYes, you know it have always a little problemm
AHımm, How is the little problemm? 
You know, I hurried up to get out the house in travel day and
I forgetted my pasport on my desk and 
I returned from airport to house and took it.
BIt may be these things, yes it's not big problemm.
How many kilometters does it take from airport to your house?
not to far, it took five kilometters, about 5 minutes.
AWas there anybody with you?
BYes, off couse there were my frieds
AWhich month have you gone, I didn't remember
Bon Sebtember, 15th.
AWhich day?
AI was not here on Tuesday. I want to send off you
BNot problemm, you can send off me next time.
AWhich country have you gone?
BGreence and Cyprus
AHave you gone before?
BYes, I have 
AWhen have you visited?
Bfor three month ego.
AOhh, time was passed, See you later…
BHave a nice day, see you again.