بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi


Yet another International Women’s Day and the second year in a new millennium in which Turkish women seem to have made little progress...
It seems the dichotomy that tears through modern Turkey rages on: One half of Turkish women enjoying a lifestyle and social status that any woman in the leading countries of the West would envy, and the other half living in such appalling servitude to men that recalls "typical" middle-eastern societies...
According to a report published by the state’s Women’s Status and Issues Directorate, while a sizeable percent of Turkish women have suffered from domestic violence, 23 percent were raped by their husbands, 18 percent are illiterate and 39 percent are unemployed.
The study showed that 34 percent of the acts of domestic violence was physical while the remaining 66 percent verbal. The incidence of violence was higher in shantytowns and poorer communities, the report said. The results of the study also draws attention to the fact that the number of Turkish men who physically abuse their wives is close to one million, which may represent as much as 15 percent of the married males population.
Statistics show that in Turkey 4 out of every 10 men believe that they would be right to physically "punish" their wife or children if they were "disobeyed". Conversely, the number of men who share some responsibility in housework and child care is as low as 20 percent.
The report states that only one out every three women who have the potential to work have regular jobs. It shows that by and large, professional Turkish women prefer academic and teaching careers; banking, civil service and secretarial jobs coming second.
Strangely enough, representing 33 percent of the academic work force, women seem to stay away from politics, with only 2.4 percent of the elected deputies in the parliament being women. This is a rather sad fact considering that 70 or 80 years ago that percentage used to be in the double digits when in most European countries women did not even have the right to vote...
Turkish police have captured two men allegedly involved in the robbing of an Istanbul branch on Wednesday.
Turkish security forces announced that they detained the two men in a train in the western town of Kırklareli on Thursday morning. The train was travelling to Romania. According to police sources, the suspects were carrying two guns, TL 37.5 billion and $19,405 stolen from the bank.
Two gunmen robbed the Akbank branch in the business district of Gayrettepe in Istanbul, the third such incident in the city in a week. Last Wednesday, two other banks in Istanbul were robbed, in one incident security personnel exchanging shots with two of the bandits, killing both.
yet another = bir başka daha...
make little progress = pek az mesafe katetmek...
dichotomy = ikilik. tears through = yırtıp ayıran, yırtıp boydanboya ikiye ayıran.  rages on = bütün şiddetiyle devam ediyor. to enjoy = (burada) sahip olmak (ve dolayısıyla da nimetlerinden yararlanmak)  to envy = gıpta etmek...
appalling = çok kötü, utanç verici, şok edici...
servitude = kölelik...  to recall = çağrıştırmak, hatırlamak, hatırlatmak...
directorate = genel müdürlük... sizeable = oldukça önemli bir bölümü... suffer from = uğramak, acı çekmek...
domestic violence = aile içinde şiddet... to rape = zorla sahip olma... illiterate = okuma yazma bilmez... unemployed = işsiz...
verbal = sözel...
shantytowns = gecekondu mahalleleri...
to draw attention to = dikkati çekmek...
physically abuse = dayak atmak...
conversely = bunun tersine... child care = çocuk bakımı...
by and large = büyük bölümüyle, büyük çoğunluk ile...
coming second = ikinci sırada olmak üzere...
allegedly = iddia edildiğine göre... involved = karışmış, bulaşmış...         to rob = soygun yapmak, soymak...
robbery = soygun... robber = soyguncu...
to detain = gözaltına almak...
Romania = eskiden "Rumania" çok daha yaygındı...
gunmen = silahlı kişiler... district = (burada) semt, bölge...
to exchange shots = karşılıklı ateş etmek, ateş "teatisinde" bulunmak...
bandit = haydut...
March 15— Turkish scientists have identified the first fossil belonging to the prehistoric times of the dinosaurs found in the country, uncovered during excavation work for a dam in Turkey’s north. The relics of the Cretaceous Era have been dated as being 70 million years old...
Associate Professor Cemal Tunoğlu from the Geology Department of the Hacettepe University, said, “The fossils we found goes back 70 million years and belong to the type known as ‘the dinosaur of the seas’ or “the cousin of the dinosaur”. He added that the type of dinosaur would be 17.5 metres long but said pieces were destroyed in the construction work on the Beyler Dam. Those bones that had been salvaged were from the 1.5 metre-long head of the animal. He added that the fossils belonging to the same type had previously been unearthed in America, Holland, Belgium, Poland and Bulgaria.
Turkey's dynamic economy is a complex mix of modern industry and commerce along with traditional agriculture that still accounts for nearly 40% of employment.
It has a strong and rapidly growing private sector, yet the state still plays a major role in basic industry, banking, transport, and communication. The most important industry - and largest exporter - is textiles and clothing, which is almost entirely in private hands.
In recent years the economic situation has been marked by erratic economic growth and serious imbalances. Real GNP growth has exceeded 6% in most years, but this strong expansion was interrupted by sharp declines in output in 1994 and 1999.
Meanwhile the public sector fiscal deficit has shown a steady growth - due in large part to the huge burden of interest payments, which now account for more than 40% of central government spending - while inflation has remained in the high double digit range.
Perhaps because of these problems, foreign direct investment in Turkey remains low - less than $1 billion annually.
Torrential rains, which started on Saturday and ended early on Monday, claimed the lives of three people, including a child, in the city. Two people who were injured were hospitalized.
Hundreds of houses and workplaces were flooded. Telephone communication was paralyzed and there was widespread power failure all over the area.
Mezitli Junction was closed to traffic as the busy highway succumbed to heavy rains, while the Muftu Brook overflowed its banks. Agricultural fields and greenhouses sustained heavy damage.
Meanwhile, schools were recessed in the city and its townships on Monday.  One bridge collapsed in Kemer township of southern Antalya province as the Kuzderesi brook overflowed its banks as a result of torrential rains. Fortunately there were no reports of casualties, as this particular bridge is not very frequently used.
In the meantime, heavy winds uprooted trees and electrical wires in western Izmir province. The winds which blew at 90-100 kilometers per hour are expected to continue till Tuesday.
relics = kalıntı... (Ancak, özellikle "mukaddes emanetler" için çok kullanılır)...
 identify = kimliğini veya niteliğini belirlemek...
to uncover = açığa çıkarmak, meydana çıkarmak...
dam /DÆM/ = baraj...
to salvage = kurtarmak, enkazdan çıkarmak... to unearth = dünya yüzüne çıkarmak, topraktan çıkarmak, keşfetmek...
overview = toplu bakış...
employment = 1. işe alma, adam tutma; 2. istihdam (metindeki anlam)...
private sector = özel sector (X public sector)...
the state = devlet (ayrıca, durum; to state = belirtmek, beyan etmek)... 
has been marked by = kuvvetli etkisi altına girmiştir
to mark = 1. işaretlemek; 2. damgasını vurmak ..
erratic economic growth = düzensiz (bi öyle bi böyle!) iktisadi büyüme... serious imbalances = ciddi dengesizlikler... GNP = gross national product, gayrisafi milli hasıla...
strong expansion X a sharp decline... = kuvvetli genişleme X sert bir düşüş... output = üretim (burada)...
fiscal deficit = mali açık... steady growth = sürekli büyüme... due in large part to = büyük ölçüde ...den dolayı...
huge burden = çok ağır yük (huge = very big, very large)... interest payments = faiz ödemeleri (interest = 1. ilgi, alaka... 2. faiz... 3. çıkar, menfaat)... central government spending = merkezi hükumet harcamaları... in the high double digit range = yüksek çift haneli düzeylerde... 
investment = yatırım... remains low = düşük olmakta devam ediyor...
three people die = üç kişi öldü (gazetecilik dilinde, başlıkta present tense geçmiş zaman anlamı verir... Gelecek zaman için mastarlar kullanılır: Ecevit (is) to visit Bulgaria... gibi) torrential rains = bardaktan boşanırcasına yağmur, afet yağmuru... 
claimed the lives of = can aldı (claim= talep etmek, benimsin demek)... were hospitalized = hastaneye kaldırıldı...
flooded = sel baskınına uğradı... power failure = elektrik şebeke arızası...
succumbed = boyun eğdi, teslim oldu... brook = çay... overflowed its banks = taştı... agricultural fields and greenhouses = tarlalar ve seralar...
recessed = ara verildi, paydos edildi... township = kasaba... casualties = zayiat; ölü, yaralı ve kayıplar toplamı...
in the meantime = meanwhile = bu arada, be esnada, bütün bunlar olup biterken... uprooted = köklerinden söktü... are expected to continue = devam etmesi bekleniyor...