CAN -ebilmek
1.Bir işi yapabilme, bir işe gücü yetme; I can repair your car
2.Bir işin nasıl yapıldığını bilme; I can make Turkish coffee.
3.Olasılık; We can see him tomorrow.=Onu yarın görebiliriz.
4.Rica; Can you help me?=Bana yardım edebilir misiniz?
5.İzin isteme/verme; Can we smoke?= Sigara içebilir miyiz?
6.tahmin; Who can that be at the door? Can it be Ali?
Kapıdaki kim olabilir? Ali olabilir mi?
7.Zihinsel etkinlik ve duygu eylemleri ile;
(remember, understand, see, hear, feel, smell, taste,..)
I can see it = I see it.
8.Edilgen cümlelerle; My friend can paint the house.
=Arkadaşım evi boyayabilir.(yapabilme)
Bu cümleyi edilgen çatıya dönüştürelim:
The house can be painted. =Ev boyanabilir. (olasılık)
WILL -ecek
1.Bütün kişilerle gelecek zaman; He will be a good boy
2.Kararlılık;(özellikle birinci kişilerle; bu kullanımda WILL kısaltılmaz.) I will pass that exam.= Bu sınavı geçeceğim.
3.Geleceğe ilişkin ya da evrensel varsayımlar, yargılar;
He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals
4.Söz verme; You will get your Money back=Paranı geri vereceğim
5.Kaçınılmazlık; What will be, will be. Accidents will happen
6.Reddetme; I will not answer you=Sana cevap vermeyeceğim
7.Alışkanlık; He will sit and look at the sea for hours
8.İsteklilik, niyet; He’ll do anything for Money
9.Rica; Will you lend me your pen for a moment?
=Bir saniye için kalemini ödünç alabilecekmiyim?
10.Emir; You will wait here till I return Will you sit down!
=Ben gelene kadar burada bekleyeceksin Sit down, will you?
11.Sunmak; davet etmek; Will/won’t you have a piece of cake?
Have a piece of cake, will you?
MAY -ebilmek
1.Kibarca izin isteme; izin verme, vermeme; rica;
May we smoke here? May I borrow your book?
2.Olasılık; If you drive faster, we may reach there at 5.
= Eğer daha hızlı gidersen oraya beşte ulaşabiliriz.
3.Bir zıtlık bildirmeye hazırlık;
He may be very clever, but he is not hardworking at all.
= Çok akıllı olabilir, fakat o kadar fazla çalışmıyor.
4.İstekler , Dualar , Beddualar;
May Turkish Republic live long=Türk halkı çok yaşayacak
May God be with you! =Allah seninle olsun!
May he drop dead.=
5.Yazılı anlatımda özellikle bilimsel metinlerde, kalıp ifade eder;
It may be noted that…..
MUST -meli / malı
1.Gereklilik: genellikle kaçınılmaz gereklilik. Konuşmacı kendisi hakkında konuşuyorsa, gerekliliğe inanması söz konusudur. We must eat to live.=Yaşamak için yemeliyiz.
The time is up We must go.=Zaman geçiyor. Gitmeliyiz.
2.Akıl yürütme; gözleme, gerçeklere dayalı tahmin.
He spends a lot of Money. He must be rich.
He looks terrible. He must have a headache.
3.Alay etme; if’li cümleciklerde;
Must you make that dreadful noise? = Şu berbat gürültüyü kes!
4.MUST NOT = Yasak
You mustn’t drink when you drive.
You mustn’t smoke here.
Must, gereklilik gösteriyor. Gerekliliğin olmadığını göstermek için don’t have to ve needn’t kullanılmaktadır.
You must study tonight=Bu gece çalışman gerekli
You don’t have to study tonight=You needn’t study tonight
=Bu gece çalışmanız gerekmiyor.
COULD -ebilmekdi
1.Rica; Could you tell me the time?
Bana saati söyleyebilirmisiniz?
2.Geçmişte fiziksel ve zihinsel yetenek;
I could swim when I was only five.
=beş yaşında iken yüzebilirdim.
3.Geniş ve gelecek zamana ait olasılık; You could be rich.
4.Dolaylı anlatımda CAN yerine kullanılır.
He says that he can speak English
He said that he could speak English.
5.Koşul cümleciklerinde kullanılır(Type II)
You speak beter if you were more careful.
6.Geçmişte olmuş artık mümkün olmayan işler;
Only ten years ego you could buy a house for ten thousand.
=Bu evi On yıl önce on bine alabilirdin
WOULD -ecekti
1.Rica; Would you show me the way to the station?
2.Dolaylı anlatımda WILL yerine kullanılır;
He says he will go : He said he would go.
3.Geçmişte alışkanlık ( used to yerine kullanılır);
We would g oto the sea every week.
4.Geçmişte reddetme; He wouldn’t not answer my question.
5.Şimdiki zamana ait istekleri bildirmek üzere WISH, IF ONLY ve WHAT tan sonra kullanılır;
I wish you would stop driving sof ast.
If only you would not maket his noise.
What wouldn’t I give for good teeth.
6.Koşul cümleciklerinde (Type II) kullanılır;
If he were ready, he would make her speech.
7.İnanamazlık ifade eden sorularda kullanılır;
Who would buy such an ugly painting?
MIGHT -ebilmekti
1.Olasılık (MAY’a göre daha zayıf olasılık)
I don’t know where he is. He might be at work.
= nerede olduğunu bilmiyorum. İşte olabilir.
2.İzin isteme; rica; Might I telephone you tomorrow?
=Yarın telefon edebilirim miyim?
Might I be excused early?=Erken izin alabilirmiyim?
3.PAST dolaylı anlatımda MAY yerine kullanılır;
He says that it may rain tomorrow. He said that it might rain tomorrow
May / might as well
Özellikle konuşma dilinde, başka seçenek olmadığından yapılması söz konusu olan işler anlatılır. MAY ile MIGHT arasında anlam farkı yoktur.
Have you lent Ali 200 TL? You may as well consider your Money lost. Ali never pays his debts.
This TV show is terribly boring. We might as well go to bed.
BE ABLE TO -ebilmek
Bütün “tense” ler ile yapabilme ifade eder. Can ve Could’un belli kullanımlarında onların yerini alabilir.
I hope to be able to finish the work on time.
=Sanırım işi zamanında bitireceğim
I am able to keep my appointment tomorrow
=Yarınki randevumda bulunabilceğim
Since the accident he has not been able to drive
=Kazadan beri araba süremiyor.
We have just been able to have our house painted.
CAN/COULD ve BE ABLE TO birbirleri yerine kullanılabiliyor ise, BE ABLE TO, gösterilen işin bir zorluğun yenilerek yapılabildiğini vurgular.
I can finish the book on time. Although I am sick, I will be able to finish the book on time.
1.Birinci tekil ve çoğul kişilerle gelecek zaman; bu kullanım daha çok İngiliz ingilizce’sinde görülüyor. Amerikan İngilizce’sinde bütün kişilerle WILL tercih edilmektedir.
I shal call you as soon as I finish the work
SHALL, bu kullanımıyla resmi yazı ve konuşmalarda yer alabilir.
2.Kararlılık (bu kullanımda shall cümle vurgusunu alır);
I shall tell the truth.
3.Yardım önerilerinde bulunmak; bir şeyi yapmayı önermek;
shal we : birlikte bir iş yapmayı önermek; SHALL’in en yaygın kullanımı budur.
Shall I get you a glass of water?= Size bir bardak su getireyim mi?
Shall we go to the movies?= Sinemaya gidelim mi?
4.Söz verme; You shall have your Money back next week.
5.Tehdit; If you do that again, you shall be punished severely.
6.Kamu duyurularındaki kurallarda must yerine kullanılır;
These rooms shall be kept ready at all times.
7.Kamu duyurularında “have the right to” anlamında;
The clup shall reserve the right to refuse to serve any customer who is being a nuisance to other customers. = Kulüp, diğer müşterileri rahatsız eden bir müşteriye hizmet etmeme hakkına sahiptir.
8.Hukuk dilinde; dini metinlerde;
You shall not steal.
He that digs a pit shall fall into it.
NEED -meli / malı
1-NEED : (bir şeye) ihtiyacı olmak
I need a new car
2-NEED :….. yapmak zorunda olmak
I need to work hard this week
3-NEED : gereklilik …meli/malı
NEED, sadece olumsuz cümlelerle soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.
Need you work so hard? You needn’t go yet, need you?
NEED başka şekillerle olumsuz yapılmış cümlelerinde kullanılabilir.
I don’t suppose I need wear a coat today.
NEED I…..? MUST I ….? I NEEDN’T….=I don’t have to….
Need I shave? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t. No, you don’t have to.
Is / am / are GOING TO
1.Niyet ; karar; I am going to new car. I am never going to do
2.Bir işin olayın kaçınılmasının güç olduğunu gösterir.
Look out! He is going to hit you.
3.Gelecekte, bugüne bağlı olarak, olacaklar;
They are going to complete the work soon.
Was / were GOING TO
Geçmişe ait bir niyetten, bir plandan söz edilmesinde kullanılır.
A. İşin olup olmadığı bilinmiyordur.
She was going to buy the tickets yesterday.
= Dün biletleri alacaktı ama alıp almaığını bilmiyorum.
B.İşin gerçekleşmediği biliniyordur.
I was going to write some letters last night, but I had some
unexpected visitors, so I couldn’t write them.
C.Arasıra, geçmişte daha sonra olacak yine bir geçmiş işi ifade eder.
The wedding ceremony was going to start in the afternoon, so everybody was busy making the last-minute preparations.
Is / am / are TO
1.Geleceğe ilişkin plan, kararlaştırılmış iş;
The king is to visit our country soon.
There is to be a meeting on November 27.
2.Görev yada yasak bildirme;
You are not to smoke here. Tell her she is not to make noise.
3.Ümit etme; If I am to succeed, I have to be more careful.
Was / were to +V1(yalın eylem)
1.Geçmişe ait bir plan; işin yapılıp yapılmadığı bilinmiyor;
Ali was to go Isparta to buy some rugs last week.
2.Geçmişte olacağı belirtilen iş;
He left the house early in the morning, little knowing that he was never to see it again.=Sabahleyin erkenden evden ayrıldı; bir daha hiç onu göremeyeceğini bilmiyordu.)
Was / were to have V3
1.Geçmişe ait planlanmış fakat yapılmamış işler anlatılır.
I was to have gone to İstanbul last week, but I changed my mind.
1.Görev, gereklilik (must’dan daha zayıf); tavsiye;
You should eat less; you are too fat.
You look pale. You should rest.
2.Beklenti; akıl yürütme, tahmin;
We should be finishing the in an hour.
3.Koşul cümleciklerinde, bir olasılığın zayıflığını vurgulamak;
If anything should go wrong with your washing-machine, contact us at once. =Çamaşır makinenızda bir arıza olursa, derhal bizi arayın.
4.Duygu ve vurgulama ifade eden eylem ve fırsatları izleyen ad cümleciklerinde; We suggest that he should do more exercises
5.Sadece 1. tekil kişi ile, koşul cümleciğinde, öğüt vermek;
The weather is very cold. I should wear a coat today if I were you.
6.Resmi ortamda, koşul cümleciğinde, I ve we ile, would yerine;
If they did that, we should/would be very sorry.
7.Geçici bir öneri bildirmede kullanılır.
Should we perhaps wait for him? He would help us to decide what to do.
8. BUT ile birlikte, geçmiş zamanda bir olayı vurgulamakta;
Who should turno ut to be the thief but the little boy, whom we had all liked.
Have to, Have got to ve Must, gereklilik bildirirken hemen hemen aynı kullanıma sahiptirler.
Çoğunlukla HAVE TO uzun bir süre söz konusu olan gerekliliği HAVE GOT TO ise bir defaya mahsus gereklilik ifade eder.
I have an early appointment tomorrow, so I have got to get up early tomorrow.
Mr. Brown has a very difficult life. He has to work 14 hours a day.
MUST, gerekliliğin konuşmacıdan kaynaklandığını ya da konuşmacının belirtilen gerekliliğin yerinde olduğuna inandığını gösterir; HAVE TO ise gerekliliğin bir başka yerden kaynaklandığını ifade eder.
I must give up smoking = Sigarayı bırakmam gerekiyor(kendim istiyorum bunu)
I have to give up smoking=Sigarayı bırakmam gerek(Doktor söyledi)
1.Geçmişte bir süre devam etmiş durumlarla sık sık tekrarlanmış işleri ifade etmekte kullanılır.
I used to like cake.(Keki severim. Artık sevmiyorum)
She used to live in Kayseri, didn’t she?
Bu kip belirtecinin olumsuz ve soru şekilleri DID yardımıyla yapılmaktadır. Daha önceleri ve günümüzde de resmi ortamlarda USED NOT (USEDN’T) kullanılan bir şekildir.
Used you to play football?
| 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can |
may possibility | 1. Jack may be upset. I can't really tell if he is annoyed or tired. 2. Jack may have been upset. I couldn't really tell if he was annoyed or tired. 3. Jack may get upset if you don't tell him the truth. | 1. Jack may not be upset. Perhaps he is tired. 2. Jack may not have been upset. Perhaps he was tired. 3. Jack may not get upset, even if you tell him the truth | might |
may permission | 1. You may leave the table now that you're finished with your dinner. 2. SHIFT TO "BE ALLOWED TO" 3. You may leave the table when you finish your dinner. | 1. You may not leave the table. You're not finished with your dinner yet. 2. SHIFT TO "HAVE TO" 3. You may not leave the table until you are finished with your dinner. | can |
may requests | May I borrow your eraser. May I make a phone call. (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | NO NEGATIVE FORM | can, |
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can also use: |
might | 1. She might be on the bus. I think her car is having problems. 2. She might have taken the bus. I'm not sure how she got to work. 3. She might take the bus to get home. I don't think Bill will be able to give her a ride. | 1. She might not be on the bus. She might be walking home. 2. She might not have taken the bus. She might have walked home. 3. She might not take the bus. She might get a ride from Bill. | could, |
might | 1. If I entered the contest, I might actually win. 2. If I had entered the contest, I might actually have won. 3. If I entered the contest tomorrow, I might actually win. Unfortunately, I can't enter it. | 1. Even if I entered the contest, I might not win. 2. Even if I had entered the contest, I might not have won. 3. Even if I entered the contest tomorrow, I might not win. |
might | 1. NO PRESENT FORM 2. You might have tried the cheese cake. 3. You might try the cheesecake. | 1. NO PRESENT FORM 2. PAST FORM UNCOMMON 3. You might not want to eat the cheese cake. It's very calorific. | could |
might (British form) | Might I have something to drink? Might I borrow the stapler? (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | NEGATIVE FORMS UNCOMMON | could, |
REMEMBER: "Might not" vs. "Could not" |
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can also use: |
can | 1. I can speak Chinese 2. SHIFTS TO "COULD" 3. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" | 1. I can't speak Swahili. 2. SHIFTS TO "COULD" 3. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" | to be able |
can | 1. With a burst of adrenaline, people can pick up cars. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" 3. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" | 1. People can't pick up cars. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" 3. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" | to be able |
can | 1. I have some free time. I can help her now. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" 3. I'll have some free time tomorrow. I can help her then. | 1. I don't have any time. I can't help her now. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ABLE TO" 3. I won't have any time later. I can't help her then. | to be able |
can | 1. I can drive Susan's car when she is out of town. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ALLOWED" 3. I can drive Susan's car while she is out of town next week. | 1. I can't drive Susan's car when she is out of town. 2. SHIFTS TO "BE ALLOWED" 3. I can't drive Susan's car while she is out of town next week. | may |
can | Can I have a glass of water? Can you give me a lift to school? (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | Can't I have a glass of water? Can't you give me a lift to school? (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | could |
can | Anyone can become rich and famous if they know the right people. Learning a language can be a real challenge. (This use is usually a generalization or an supposition.) | It can't cost more than a dollar or two. You can't be 45! I thought you were about 18 years old. (This use is usually a generalization or an supposition.) | could |
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can also use: |
could | 1. John could be the one who stole the money. 2. John could have been the one who stole the money. 3. John could be charged with the crime when the police finish the investigation. | 1. Mary couldn't be the one who stole the money. 2. Mary couldn't have been the one who stole the money. 3. Mary couldn't possibly be charged with the crime after the police examine the evidence. | might, |
could | 1. If I had more time, I could travel around the world. 2. If I had had more time, I could have traveled around the world. 3. If I had more time this winter, I could travel around the world. | 1. Even if I had more time, I couldn't travel around the world. 2. Even if I had had more time, I couldn't have traveled around the world. 3. Even if I had more time this winter, I could travel around the world. |
could | 1. NO PRESENT FORM 2. You could have spent your vacation in Hawaii. 3. You could spend your vacation in Hawaii. | NO NEGATIVE FORMS |
could | I could run ten miles in my twenties. I could speak Chinese when I was a kid. | I couldn't run more than a mile in my twenties. I couldn't speak Swahili. | be able to |
could | Could I have something to drink? Could borrow your stapler? (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | Couldn't he come with us? Couldn't you help me with this for just a second? (Requests usually refer to the near future.) | can, |
Had Better
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can also use: |
had better | 1. SHIFT TO "SHOULD" OR "OUGHT TO" 2. SHIFT TO "SHOULD" OR "OUGHT TO" 3. You had better unplug the toaster before you try to clean it. | 1. SHIFT TO "SHOULD" OR "OUGHT TO" 2. SHIFT TO "SHOULD" OR "OUGHT TO" 3. You had better not clean the toaster until you unplug it. | should, |
had better | The movie had better end soon. They had better be here before we start dinner. (Desperate hopes and warnings usually refer to the near future.) | They had better not be late. They had better not forget Tom's birthday gift. (Desperate hopes and warnings usually refer to the near future.) |
"Had better" is often simply pronounced as "better" in spoken English. |
Have to
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can |
have to | 1. That has to be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair. 2. That has to have been the right restaurant. There are no other restaurants on this street. 3. NONE | 1. SHIFTS TO "MUST" 2. SHIFTS TO "MUST" 3. NONE | must, |
have to | 1. She has to read four books for this literature class. 2. She had to finish the first book before the midterm. 3. She will have to finish the other books before the final exam. | 1. She doesn't have to read "Grapes of Wrath." It's optional reading for extra credit. 2. She didn't have to write a critique of "The Scarlet Letter." She had to give a presentation to her class. 3. She won't have to take any other literature classes. American Literature 101 is the only required course. | must |
don't have to | 1. I don't have to take any tests. The course is just for fun. 2. I didn't have to take the test. The teacher let me do a report instead. 3. I won't have to take the test. It's going to be for extra credit and I don't need the points. |
REMEMBER: "Do not have to" vs. "Must not" |
Have Got to
| 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can |
have got to | 1. People have got to be on time if they want to get a seat in the crowded theater. 2. SHIFT TO "HAVE TO" 3. You have got to be there on time tonight if you want to get a seat in the crowded theater. | 1. SHIFT TO "DON'T HAVE TO" 2. SHIFT TO "DON'T HAVE TO" 3. SHIFT TO "DON'T HAVE TO" | have to, |
haven't got to | Haven't you got to be there by 7:00? Haven't you got to finish that project today? ("Haven't got to" is primarily used to ask about future obligations. It can be used in statements, but this is less common.) |
| Don't you, have to |
Modal Forms
Simple Modal Continuous Modal Perfect Modal Perfect Continuous Modal | Passive Simple Modal Passive Continuous Modal Passive Perfect Modal Passive Perfect Continuous Modal |
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can |
shall (British form) | The marketing director shall be replaced by someone from the New York office. Fred shall be there by 8:00. | The marketing director shall not be replaced after all. Fred shall not be there. He has a previous obligation. | will |
shall (British form) | I shall take care of everything for you. I shall make the travel arrangements. There's no need to worry. | I shall never forget you. I shall never give up the fight for freedom. | will |
shall (British form) | Man shall explore the distant regions of the universe. We shall overcome oppression. | Man shall never give up the exploration of the universe. He shall not be held back. |
Modal Use | 1. Present | Negative Forms | You can |
should | 1. People with high cholesterol should eat low fat foods. 2. Frank should have eaten low fat foods. That might have prevented his heart attack. 3. You really should start eating better. | 1. Sarah shouldn't smoke so much. It's not good for her health. 2. Sarah shouldn't have smoked so much. That's what caused her health problems. 3. Sarah shouldn't smoke when she visits Martha next week. Martha hates when people smoke in her house. | ought to |
should | I should be at work before 9:00. We should return the video before the video rental store closes. ("Should" can also express something between recommendation and obligation. "Be supposed to" expresses a similar idea and can easily be used in the past or in negative forms.) | NO NEGATIVE FORMS | be supposed, to |
should | 1. Susan should be in New York by now. 2. Susan should have arrived in New York last week. Let's call her and see what she is up to. 3. Susan should be in New York by next week. Her new job starts on Monday. | 1. Susan shouldn't be in New York yet. 2. Susan shouldn't have arrived in New York until yesterday. 3. Susan shouldn't arrive in New York until next week. | ought to, |