بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Dini ve İLmi ARAştırmalar Merkezi

Test 1

  TEST -1     Fill in the following sentences by using for or since 
1. They have been living in Madrid ------ 1972.
2. He has been in prison ------ four years.
3. He has known about the fact ---------- a long time.
4. Conditions have changed a lot ----------- we were children.
5. Our teacher has been very ill ------------ the last month.
6. I haven't eaten anything ------------ twenty-four hours.
7. In fact he is always very rude. We have been waiting for him ------------- half an hour.
8. I haven't seen him ------------- three years. it is because I haven 't been there ---- I left school.
9. I have been trying to mend this old fashioned car ------------ hours.
10. One of my friends has been teaching in Tokyo --------- three years. I haven't met him ----------- last year.
11. I haven't enjoyed myself ---------- two weeks ------------ I heard that my final exam grades were low.
12. I know that you have never seen a lion --------------- you were born. 
                              Then now I say that we can go to the zoo and see one.
13. The police have been looking for him ------------- two weeks ------------ he escaped from the prison.
14. He hasn't spoken to me even a word ------------ the last meeting.
15. I haven't phoned him ------------- a week.
16. He has been the principal of our high school ------------ 1988.
17. Dean has been learning Japanese -------------- two years.