Chuck: This is Chuck Carlyle, and you’re listening to “Sports
Radio” Today we’ll be talking about college basketball.
With us are Coach Dan Brady and Professor Lawrence
Maxwell of
Coach : Helle, Chuck.
Professor : Good morning, Chuck.
Chuck : Couch Brady, how do you find your players?
Couch : Well, Chuck, we go to many hing school basketball
games and look for good athletes.
Chuck: Professor, the basketball team has a very heavy training
schedule. How do they manage to study full time and play?
Professor : Athletes apply, and we schedule an interview. Then
we ask them if they’re interested in their education as well as in
basketball. We tell them that they must pass their courses in
order to keep playing on the team.
Chuck : Coach, some people say that students get paid for
playing on the team. Is this true?
Coach: No! Certainly not!
Chuck : Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Thank you
for being on our show, gentlemen. We’ll be here tomorrow at the
same time with “Sports Radio.”
Are you a hing school basketball player?
Are you interested in your education as well as basketball?
Then come for an interwiew at
We’re looking for good athletes who can play basketball and
study full time
Players on our team wiil get a good start to an athletic career.
If you’re interested, call Coach Brady at 555-1279.
Announcer: Good evening, listeners. Welcome to “Win Big”, the weekly quiz show where you can win big! Today our guests are Marjorie and Dick. Are you both ready to play?
Marjurie : Yes, I am.
Dick: Yes, I am, too
Announcer: Great. Now, I’m going to ask you same questions.
You will get two points for each correct answer and the person
with the most points is the winner. Here’s the first question :
Where do Moslems pray? Dick?
Dick: In a church?
Announcer : No, I’m sorry. That is not the correct answer. Morjorie, do you want to try?
Marjorie : Do they pray in a synagogue?
Annoucer: No. That is not the correct answer either. Moslems
pray in a mosque. No one gets any points for that one. Next
question: What is the longest highway in this state? Dick?
Dick: Is it Hingway 102? It goes from downtown Centreville to
Annoucer: Yes, that’s correct. Now, one last question.
What is the highest room in a house?
Dick: The attic?
Annoucer : Congratulations, Dick You are today’s winner!
Please join us next week on “Win Big” for more big winners.
Goodbye for now.
Ron is talking to his father about “Win Big”
Dad: What did you do today, Ron?
Ron: Well, I listened to the quiz show, “Win Big” on the radio.
Dad: Who were the guests?
Ron: A man and a woman, Dick and Marjorie.
Dick was the winner. He got the most points.
Dad: What were the questions?
Ron: One was “Where do Moslems pray?”
Dad: They pray in a mosque.
Ron: That’s right! The next question was “What’s the longest
hingway in this state?”
Dad: I don’t know the answer to that one.
Ron: The answer is Hingway 102.
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WILLY: İt’s time for our call-in show, “Give Your Opinion.”
Our subject today is “Does our government want peace or war?”
Our first caller is Barbara.
BARBARA: Hi, Willy. I think our government wants peace.
However, I think they must be ready for war.
WILLY: That’s interesting. Thanks, Barbara. Janet, you’re on
the air.
JANET: Uh, hello, Willy. I was born just before World War II
started. Growing up during the war was horrible.
I believe our politicians should do everthing they can
to stop wars forever.
WILLY: Thanks for your opinion, Janet. Our last caller is
peace, We should remember that war is big business.
I’m talking about a lot of jobs and money.
Willy was talking to his wife, Phyllis, about his show:
PHYLLIS: How was your call-in show today .
WILLY: We asked the question: “Does our government want
peace or war?
PHYLLIS: Did you hear any interesting opinions?
WILLY: Yes, One caller said that the government wants peace
but must be ready for war.
Another caller said that war is big business.
PHYLLIS: That’s true. Many people have jobs in companies that
make things used in wars.
WILLY: A caller named Janet said that growing up during
the war was terrible.
PHTLLIS: She probably believes that wars should be stopped